Friday, December 3, 2010

Yahoo! And Borrow from Monty Python "NOSPAM...NOSPAM...NOSPAM..."

I have been using the Yahoo! OtherInbox Application for awhile now. OtherInbox is an optional application that can be setup and configured to automatically create common folders and redirect common (and related) emails to that folder. For example, OIB may create a folder called OIB Jobs and it has some intelligence to redirect emails from sendors relating to Jobs to this folder. This is a great way to clean-up one's Inbox. One of the disadvantages of not having any limites on Yahoo! mailbox size anymore, is that there's no real incentive to organize and clean-up, so searching can be a mess.

I ran across a very nifty tip today. You can a folder called "OIB Unsubscribe" and then manually drag an drop SPAM that you no longer want in this folder. OIB will then pick up the ball and recognize that you want to be unsubscribed from this list and it will eventually hook-up with Lashbank - a global email compliance provider and will attempt to remove you from the list in question. I'm sure that it's not fool-proof, but then again, any little bits of SPAM that I don't have to deal with, is definitely a blessing.


  1. I'm glad you're finding OtherInbox helpful Rick! Let me know if you have any suggestions about how we can make it better!

  2. I certainly will Joshua. I'd love to know how you found the post this quickly. My blog is such a piddly Canadian blog but it sure was nice to see a little spike in traffic to it :)
