Okay - I'm confused here - someone...help me out. THE latest craze seems to be tablet PCs. Now, from a marketing/technical perspective - what are these "meant" to be? Are they basically a revved up iTouch with more sophisticated computing power? Are they meant to be the "next-gen" for computing devices meant to render Notebooks obsolete?
Here's the thing - my biggest problem with tablet PCs is the keyboard. It's partly that as a touch typist, I detest virtual keyboards (no tactile feedback and such), but it's more than this. From strictly an ergonomic perspective, a tablet PC makes no sense other than as a casual & ultra-portable computing device.
Keyboards are monitors (ergonomically) cannot be on the same plane. They just can't. If the tablet is tilted as a screen normally is, then so is the keyboard. For minimal typing, sure, that's fine.
I cannot fathom how someone can do serious data entry on a tablet PC. Seems to be Carpel Tunnel Syndrome just waiting to happen.
Thanks - but no thanks. As slick and sexy as the iPad and other tablet PCs are, I'll pass. Instead, give me a freaking iPod Touch with more than 32gb capacity. I need at least 64mb and probably higher. I'm just very sick and tired of cycling music in and out.
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