Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spam and Mailing Lists - An Experiment Starts

One thing that I've often wondered is how easily our email addresses proliferate as they get sold to marketers.  I'm going to try an experiment.  I'm going to create some Hotmail disposable email addresses and I will put out each email address to one specific location to see how quickly it gets harvested or sold/shared to other sites.  Part of this will be for me to identify some of these culprits of this mass marketing.  By only using this email address in one website, it will be very easy to determine how the address is used across sites/marketing partners.

This would clearly be a long term project.  I don't expect to get inundated with spam right away, but I am betting that I can find some sites/portals whose sole existence is to collect email addresses to sell them, so I just might stumble upon it.

Step #1 is to define my strategy - this could be interesting to see exactly how my email address is being shared.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

iPod vs Crackberry - Part Deux

I was perusing my blog statistics and noticing something that I didn't quite expect.  Not that my blog gets a whole lot of traffic, but of the operating systems/devices, I have close to 30 page views from iPod and equivalent devices and only 1 page view off of a BlackBerry.  This leads me to one of three explanations:

1. By nature, iPod users are much more intelligent and discriminating than a BlackBerry user and recognize outstanding content.
2. The lone BlackBerry user just didn't like what he saw or
3. The BlackBerry inadvertently clicked on a link leading to my site and skedaddled away.

I think that I will go with option #1 - it's much better for my ego.  That is my story and I am duly sticking to it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Had Thought That is Just Common Sense - I'm Guessing I Was Wrong

There's an article on PC World today that states that more often than not, law enforcement are first turning to Facebook/Twitter when they have suspects for a specific crime.  I find this hard to fathom, but it's not all that unusual for the perps to boast or talk about it online.  Umm - okay, these people who would boast of their criminal exploits...well, let's just say that they're not likely to be spreading their DNA while in custody.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Multiple Locks -- One Key

I’m going to start off this article with some great news for everyone! I find it much too difficult to remember all the PINs for my banking cards and credit cards so I’ve decided to with one PIN number. I also don’t have a very good memory, so I tucked a note in my wallet with a sheet of paper that reads “Mr. PIN: (905) 555-1204”. That way, all that I have to do is pull out the handy piece of paper if I can’t remember my PIN. What a great idea!

Hopefully, people will realize that I’m not so foolish as to have done the above. I certainly wouldn’t set all my cards to one PIN and then put that PIN number in my wallet, so that someone who has my wallet could have the key to all of my accounts.

However, what this does illustrate is how lax and lazy we can be with regards to our online passwords. As wonderful as this technology is, one of the biggest problems is that there are just too many passwords for us to remember. Without some mechanism to keep track of them, it’s inevitable that we have our “standard” passwords. Unless you have a photograph memory, it’s next to impossible to keep track of all of the sites that you login to.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been as guilty about this as anyone else in the past and I had used the same password for many sites. Sometimes, I would have a site where the password that I used didn’t conform to their standards, so I had a second version which was more compliant.

There’s an old saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and this is very much in evidence with security on the Internet.

Intellectually, I’ve always known that this common approach to passwords is a problem, but it took a recent, real-life example to give me a wake-up call.

A few months ago, a popular dating website was hacked. That in itself is bad enough, but the problem is that this dating website did not (and I believe still does not) encrypt their member’s passwords. This gave the hackers immediate access to the login passwords for a certain subset of members. Someone’s initial reaction to this might be, “Not such a big deal, the worst thing that could happen is that they could mess with someone’s profile or send nasty messages to another user.”

Stop and think.

Imagine that some website was hacked and that your password was exposed. Perhaps it’s a message board and that you think that the impact and risk are inconsequential. However, think about if you’ve used the same password or maybe a version of it with some numbers at the end on some other site – and possibly you’ve used the same user id and the same password on other sites

Multiple locks – one key.

Let me give another analogy. Say that you are in the parking lot of the local mall and you’re going back to your car. You reach into your pocket for the key fob and when you press the button, not only does your car honk, flash it’s lights and unlock it’s door, but every car of the same model in the proximity did the same thing. Imagine for a moment that Honda had one key fob/code for all Honda Civics. How concerned would be that anyone can unlock your car?

Multiple locks – one key.

The “easy” solution is to have a different login ID and a different password on each site that you frequent. This brings us back to the original problem that most humans don’t have an easy way to remember all of these credentials and simply writing them down – anywhere (without it being secured) – is just as bad.

What is the solution? There are a number of them and it depends on your own circumstances (refer to disclaimer). I have stumbled across a website called PassPack ( which for most users is a free online password manager. I’ve started to use PassPack and I’m encouraged by the security that they’ve built in, but I’ve come to realize that even with a website like PassPack, that there is still an inherent problem.

The problem is this – if I store ALL of my user IDs and passwords online, then I am right back to the same conundrum – a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. What if the security there was breached? In this case, it’s even worse as my entire login credentials are in one location. It wouldn’t matter if I used the password of gr81for#9930 on one site and yy3-9##9! on another, everything is fully exposed.

What’s the solution? Well – I think this whole issue of security will evolve and it will continue to be fluid as the nefarious hackers try at anything to login to our accounts, so keep in mind that how we handle our identities in the electronic age will need to become more sophisticated.

One possibility would be to maintain a separate login for each site, but have one or two standard prefixes or suffixes that only you know – one that someone would not be able to guess, perhaps something as random such as 2#pff. Don’t write this prefix or suffix down anywhere. Even if your login credentials are exposed, they won’t have your full password.

There may be some of you who don’t do any financial transactions online and as a result, perhaps this isn’t as much of an issue for you. Don’t make this mistake. The more personal information of yours that is available online makes identity theft easier. Having your name, address, perhaps phone numbers or date of birth that you had entered on a “safe” website when you registered, might be all the information that an individual needs to take out a loan or mortgage in your name.

When it comes to security, privacy in the electronic age, it pays to be skeptical and to assume that nothing is secure – there’s too much at risk.

Disclaimer: The author of this article does not recommend any websites, methodologies or practices within this article. The intent of the article is to give the reader cause for thought to examine their own practices, the risks and the best way to address this issue.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Tipping Point of TecHumanity

Malcolm Gladwell has written a fascinating book called "The Tipping Point".  The basic premise (and please forgive me, Mr. Gladwell, for over-simplifying!) that each trend or fad has a moment when it takes on a life of it's own - that when one looks back in the past, there is one defining moment when that snowball takes on it's unstoppable momentum.

This may be a total fail, or this is my tipping point, but I challenge whomever reads this post, to spread the word of TecHumanity, to pass it to friends, tweet it, whatever.  More of an experiment than anything else (and maybe a little appeal to my vanity as a self-proclaimed blogger), but I would be fascinated to see if we can start the TecHumanity Revolution.




A Prayer for Steve Jobs

As much as I am a PC/Windows guy and not a fan of Apple at all (git yer mitts off my iPod though!), I follow Steve Jobs and his apparent health issues.  I'm not going to bother speculating, but regardless of the situation, I do hope it is something that he can battle through.

I'd be the first to admit that probably Apple has driven innovation in our industry, probably much more aggressively than Microsoft has, and I'm certain that Mr. Jobs is the main reason behind this, the visionary force, if you will (ed.  knock off with all of the commas, they, are, annoying!).

I'll probably always be more of a PC guy as opposed to anything fruity, but I'll give Apple their props and must have that must go to Mr. Jobs.

As with all of us, we have a limited time on this earth and I wish for him and his family, all the joy, love and laughter in whatever time they have together.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Technology In Athletics

Wow - too cool.

In Tokyo today, there was a 26m marathon.  The third place winner was an amateur, but this is where this story gets...bizarre?...intriguing?...innovative?

Yuki Kawauchi is just a regular Joe Shmo who decided to run the marathon.

What makes this story remarkable is that he ran it with 4 iPhones and 1 iPad strapped two him as he broadcast live.  One iPhone was pointed at the ground, one at his face as his ran, one was a GPS and he had an iPad strapped onto him so he could communicate and tweet with his followers.

How wonderfully odd and unique.  What doors will this open in up in terms of (virtually) being part of an athletic endeavour? 

I'm intrigued - to say the least - to see what doors this might open up.