Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Finding Files or Programs – Part II

In my previous tip, I showed how easy it is to search files or programs. Certainly, when you already know the full and complete name of the file, your job is much easier.

However, what if you can only remember part of the filename? Or let’s say that you wanted to find any documents that you had worked on with the word “Budget” in them?

Before I start into the tip, there’s a little fundamental tidbit about how Windows names files. As you know, when you save a file, typically you give it a filename. Let’s say you’re creating a Microsoft Word document called “Grocery List”. What any Windows application will do is to also append a suffix to the filename to indicate what program was used to create or edit the document so that when you go to edit this document, Windows will know if it is to open up the file in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. This suffix is referred to as an extension. The extension is typically a 3 or 4 character code created automatically by the application program.

To illustrate, take a look at my folder where I keep some my articles.

You’ll see that there is a column in my explorer called “Type”. This is based directly on the extension associated with the file. You’ll see a bunch of MS Word documents followed by one MS Excel document. In this folder, all of the Word documents have an extension of .docx and the Excel document has an extension of .xlsx

When you know the full and exact name of the file (such as “banana bread recipe.docx”) it’s much easier for you as you can just type the name of the file that you’re looking for. You’ll see that in my example here, the full name of the file starts with the name that I’ve given it (banana bread recipe) followed by the extension of the file (docx) and that there is a . so that the computer knows where the filename ends and the extension starts.

In those cases where you only know part of the filename, the operating system provides two different special symbols that are referred to as wildcards. Just like in a normal deck of playing cards, a wildcard can be used for anything but there are a couple of differences on the wildcards.

The first wildcard is the ? character and it will substitute one – and only one character. In other words, the filename pattern of j?n.docx would match either jen.docx or jon.docx. In English, the filename pattern could be interpreted as “any file where the first letter is a J, the second letter is anything else, the third letter is an N and the extension is .docx”.

The second wildcard is the * character and it is more powerful. It can replace any number of characters. Using the same example, the filename patter of j*n.docx would still match jen.docx and jon.docx but it would also match Jamison.docx.

Wildcards can be combined and repeated and can be at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the filename (or even the extension if need be).

To close off this tip, here are some examples of wildcard patterns along with an English like description of how they would be interpreted.

Filename Pattern
Any filename that is exactly four characters wide and where the last three characters are arm and has a docx extension.
Any file with a PDF extension where there are 0, 1 or more characters of any combination suffixed with budget.
201? Taxes.xlsx
A file with an xlsx extension where the first 3 characters are 201, there is an  fourth character and the suffix of the filename is taxes.
Any MS Word document (or that has a .docx extension) where there is 0, 1 or more characters, followed by the word family, an additional 0, 1 more characters, the word history and a suffix of 0, 1 or more characters.
Any filename that begins with an F, has one character, the characters ar, followed by one more character, the word sales and any suffix of 0, 1 or more characters.   In this example there is a wildcard in the extension so it would match any file types.
Every single file as this means any text in the filename and any text in the extension.

Finding Files or Programs

One of the features that I love best about Windows is its ability to quickly type in the name of a file or a program and it will search for it. As someone who uses the keyboard much more than the mouse, this saves me a lot of time.

There are two methods that you have type in the name of a program or a file, the first is to click on the Windows Start button on the left hand corner of the task bar and type in the name of the file or program to search for as per the following screenshot:

In the “Search programs and files”, you can enter in the name of the Windows program to run (i.e Word or Excel). You can also type in the name of a file that you have edited recently and it will bring that up in a selection list as well.

Another groovy trick is that this ability to search can be done without having to use the mouse to click on the Start button. To run the Search facility within Windows, while you are holding down the key with the Windows logo, press the F key to launch the Search dialog box.

Living on Cloud 9? Well Not Really, but Maybe One Day

One of the biggest buzzes in technology is the proliferation of “The Cloud”. Part of the attraction of the cloud is the thought that it is an ultra-convenient place to store ones files, documents, pictures, music or what-not.

In theory, there are some really interesting benefits of cloud storage and portals. As a writer, I often struggle with the dilemma of “oh gosh, my documents are at home and I had a great idea for my story!” The theory being that if I store my documents in “The Cloud” then it will remain always accessible to me and it doesn’t matter if I’m at home, or anywhere else. Presto – chango! Connect to the ‘net and Bob’s my uncle, there’s my story!

Fundamentally, this method of accessing files is only as good as one’s Internet connection. If I have my notebook on the subway and there’s no Internet connection, then there’s no access to the cloud and my documents. Even if I’m above ground on a bus for instance – unless I have a WiFi card on my network, then I’m out of luck. Now, it’s true that many new cellphones have the ability to serve as WiFi hotspots and once again – in theory – you can connect to the WiFi network on your phone, you still have to be concerned about data usage and other charges with your cell plan.

Let’s pretend for the sake of argument that we all have instant connectivity wherever we are. Is everything good? Is “The Cloud” a viable alternative?
The answer is not so simply…it depends…there’s a slew of other issues to consider when storing documents online.

Alright, so how many of you have Facebook – hands up! Now, everyone who has read the entire terms of service of Facebook, you can put your hand down. So now that everyone still has your hand up – if you store pictures on your Facebook page, or have any personal content, are you aware that when you signed up for Facebook, you have granted them the right to use any of your content, for any purposes, royalty free? I’m not picking on Facebook, carefully read the TOS for many of these free “services” and you’ll see that they may be free but they don’t come without a price. A similar example is DeviantArt – where I actually store my artwork. I checked tonight and it’s TOS (terms of service) also grants them royalty free use of any of my artwork without requiring my permission. Fortunately, my art pretty much sucks so I don’t have to worry about it being turned into millions of coffee mugs or such.

Legalities aside, think for a moment on if you’re having a fantastic time using some online portal to store your documents – like I sometimes do with Google Documents. Access to your documents are only as good as the service is up and running. A perfect example is the recent MegaUpload issue. This was a website that was being used for people to be able to store their documents, music and movies. The problem was that these files were then shared and legal action was initiated against the site for copyright violation. The net of copyright infringement was cast far too wide and it caught some innocent fish that did not share a thing – but just used MegaUpload as online storage.

It’s a scary digital world out there and sometimes I find that I will use a technology just for convenience sake without really looking at the consequences and to think of the possible impact.

Like so many areas of technology, it tantalizes us and hooks us with the promise of ease and convenience. Kind of like the wizard in Oz, sometimes it’s necessary to pull back the curtain to see what is really there.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rotten Apples

Nice to know that everyone makes mistakes and it turns out that Apple is no different, and this could be a doozy.  From what I understand, Apple has secured the iPad trademark from many companies and they (allegedly) thought that they had secured it in China from a company that had previously trademarked it but the company that owned the trademark has claimed that this isn't the case.

There seems to be a wide variety on legal opinions on how big of a battle this will be.  As of right now, iPads are currently illegal in China. Being a hotbed of technology, this is somewhat of a problem.  The bigger problem though is not only is this affecting sales in China, but from what I understand, a pretty significant portion of the iPad is made in China as well.

Now, I think it's safe to assume that this will eventually be settled.  This Chinese company is currently going through some rough times, and it's being suggested that Apple may have to tithe a billion or two to resolve this little squabble.

This just has to fall under the banner of corporate oversights - and it's certainly not a minor one!

The TecHumanity Theme Song!

I heard this song on my satellite radio and I thought that this will be just a perfect into/theme song should I ever get into webcasting my blogs via YouTube - or become an internationally famous blogger/expert!

The song is Everybody's on the Phone by Jimmy Buffett and I think that this is just perfect!  There's one line in particular that I think is so appropriate - Everybody's on the phone - so connected and all alone. There is a lot of wisdom in that one line.

Here's the lyrics should you choose to sing along.
Message in a bottle, rhythm of a drum 
Smoke signals and telegraphs make the airwaves hum 
But that's all ancient history like bongs and Lincoln Logs 
Now we livin' like the Jetsons in a wireless wacky fog 
Squawkin' talkin' hawkin' who knows if anybody's gettin' through 

Toasters talk to crackberries, Bombay to L.A. 
Teenage needs and long-held dreams as minutes tick away 
We act like crazy people talking to ourselves 
Crashing cars in conversation while that shit flies off the shelf 
The information superhighways locked up like a L.A. traffic jam 

Everybody's on the phone 
So connected and all alone 
From the pizza boy to the socialite 
We all salute the satellites 
Let me text you with your master plan 
You're loud and clear but I don't understand 
I'm a digital explorer in analog roam 
And everybody's on the phone 

Do you remember dialing up? 
Yes I remember well 
Now I just can't go anywhere with out my sacred cell 
I think that I might die if I miss anything at all 
Text me, send me an e-mail, bring me up, give me a call 
I'm ADD on AOL tryin to read the writing on the wall 

Everybody's on the phone 
So connected and all alone 
From the pizza boy to the socialite 
We all salute the satellites 
Let me text you with your master plan 
You're loud and clear but I don't understand 
I'm a digital explorer in analog roam 
And everybody's on the phone 

Now I'm a real jungle jump up 
I'm a megahertz man 
I swing from tree to tree on the very latest plan 
On the download and the dropouts 
On every major city across the land 
I got my Marley on my ringtone, getup, standup, reachout, touch somebody band 

Everybody's on the phone 
So connected and all alone 
From the pizza boy to the socialite 
We all salute the satellites 
Let me text you with your master plan 
You're loud and clear but I don't understand 
I'm a digital explorer in analog roam 
And everybody's on the phone 

Can you hear me? 
Can you hear me now? 
I gotta get over by the beerstand 
Oh shit my batteries are going 
I'll call you back 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Wireless Explosion

There's just a mind-boggling article on PC World today on the expected explosion of wireless traffic over the next four years.

The article estimates that by 2016, that wireless traffic will average approximately 10.8 exabytes per month.  The scary thing is that I didn't know what an exabyte is so I read further in the article and one exabyte is one billion gigabytes.  This is per month, not per year.  This is an 18 fold increase over the average monthly bandwidth now.

It then goes on to estimate that in a year that the total wireless network traffic will be approximately 130 billion gigabytes.  To give this extreme number some context, the average DVD holds about 4.7 gigabytes of data, so this would be the equivalent of about 28 billion DVDs worth of data floating through the air (and I'd guess through our collective bodies too!.

Another interesting tidbit, the article estimates that wireless connections will exceed wired connections by 2015.  I would not be surprised at all if it's sooner.  I did a quick calculation in my own home and I have the following devices connected via WiFi: one notebook, one Playstation 3, 3 cell phones, one tablet PC, two Nintendo DS gaming systems and one printer.  That's 9 devices.  It's no wonder that when there's a power failure we barely know what to do with ourselves!

To close off of this article with one last fact, which I think more than anything else demonstrates the proliferation of technology in our lives, the spellchecker in this article flagged exabyte as a spelling mistake.  Apparently, even our electronic dictionaries can keep pace!


Friday, February 10, 2012

The Old "You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression" Lesson Learned...

...and for me, this lesson is to NOT totally depend on technology to do my "dirty work".  Case in point,  a couple of days ago, I needed to write 3 very specific emails within a time limit.  Typically, I am an extra-ordinarily good proof-reader - primarily with spelling, but also to a lesser extent with wording.  I am best when I'm not rushed - I know that.

Anyways, the mistake that I made was that the spell-checker on my Yahoo was turned on so I figured that between my eagle eyes and the spell-checker, I wouldn't have any spelling mistakes.  Well, there were a couple of errors that I discovered after the fact.  Not spelling errors, but typing errors.  I shoulda woulda coulda checked to make sure that my spell-checker was turned on.

Speaking of which, I'm not seeing and red-squiggles on this blog entry, let me run the spell-check before publishing.  Duh - Rick - totally duh!

Waxing Nostagically in the Technological Age

I know for any generation, there are challenges as it relates to accepting and adjusting to technological advances.  To a certain extent, we all learn to put the past behind us and to embrace the change as it leads us to different ways of doing things.

However, as is often the case, everyone has their little things from yesteryear that they miss.

For me, it's two types of experiences, going to the library and browsing through the video store.
The library so much isn't as much of an issue.  I love the convenience of being able to read online - and hey - there's nothing stopping me from visiting the library.  It's something that I do often and it's just such a different experience from browsing through books online.

The one that I really miss though is the experience of going to the video store.  The days of Roger's Video and Blockbuster brick and mortar sites are long gone.  There are some specialty mom and pop type stores, but it's just not the same.

Don't get me wrong, I just love the convenience of being to rent through my digital TV, and with my satellite TV subscription, I even get access to movies on the computer.  There's no question that I do not miss the "oh damn, I forgot to return the video" feeling the morning after.

But it's just not the same for me.  There was something very charming for me to be able to walk up and down the aisles - to go along the perimeter for a new release or perhaps to go browsing through a specific genre.  The thrill of "yes!  There's one last copy of <insert popular movie here>" and feeling like I just got lucky.  I loved picking up a case of some movie I had never heard of and read the back and just take a chance. 

It is, what it is - I guess.  I don't have to accept or like it though.  I'm going to pout and complain about this.  That is until I get home and I go and continue watching any of the three movies that I  have stored on my PVR that I've been recording.

So I like to eat my cake and have it too - I'm entitled!

3D Printing

A couple of months ago, I marvelled at a new innovation referred to as 3D printing.  I won't go through the details of the blog entry or to describe the technology as it can be found in this entry: Caught with my Technological Shorts Down.  In this entry, I talk about one of the areas that I can see this being a very viable and valuable technology - that area being the medical industry.

Lo and behold, earlier this week, there was an article on PC World on exactly this topic:

 An elderly lady had a very bad jaw infection and due to her age, they could not fix it in the traditional methods, so that scanned her existing lower jaw - all of it - and printed her a new jaw. 

This is just mind-blowing and the more that I read about this technology, the more that I believe that it has (and is!) revolutionizing our society.

The very scary thing is that I think that this is literally just the tip of the iceberg. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Stick Is Just a Stick

..and sometimes a stick is something much more.
 A stick is just a stick…until it’s rubbed against another stick to spark a fire - then it becomes a source of heat.
A stick is just a stick…until it’s rapped against a rock – then it becomes a percussion instrument.
A stick is just a stick…until it’s used by a primate to scoop out ants – then it becomes a tool.
A stick is just a stick…until one end is notched and one end is pointed – then it becomes a weapon.
As I came into work this morning, I came up with this metaphor and I realized that this concept works just as well with our current computer based technology.  The very general point to this article is that the true driving force behind the tools is the thought process behind the tool – even more-so than the physical attributes of the tool.   As the context of a stick can be changed based on its intended purpose, such is also the case for our modern technology.
A computer is just an object manufactured of plastic, metals and other components.  What drives the success of our technology is the thought and the imagination of what tools we need; how the tools will be used and how they will need to be designed by their intended use.
As much as the physical components of our technology are critical, they are really just the ends to a mean – a way of delivering the creativity to fruition.  Without this creative process and the need and ability to solve problems, none of this technology would exist.
To continue on with the stick, I imagine that way “back in the day” before there were primates, then a stick truly was just a stick.  The broken off branch on the ground was just that and nothing more, there were no ancillary uses for it.
I can’t imagine the revolution or the process that started off with the realization that rubbing two sticks together caused a spark which can be used to start a fire.  The course of our history was changed with that one innovation.
In the same ways, as we speed down the technological path of our modern times, we too are starting those branches, the divides where the future historians will look back to 2012 and say “Look !  This is where it all started!  This is where _____  all came from”.
The challenge that we have as a society is how do we ensure that the path that we take is best?  How do we ensure that our collective brains create new technologies with minimal disadvantage?
I would hazard a guess that “most” scientists and visionaries keep this in mind as they think through possible solutions.   However, even in the most innocent situations, the intended use of a technology can be bastardized to create harm.
It would be too idealistic to expect that all technological advances are good, but that’s not necessarily the case.
The best solution that I can think of is to always remain a skeptic – to say to one’s self “gee, that’s a really interesting technology, but what happens IF…?”
Perhaps the problem is that we all have our own motivations – our own agendas.  
It was said that Thomas Edison grew his company for one reason and one reason only – to raise capital so that they can invent more technologies, to raise more capital to invent more technologies.  
Sadly, that type of a technological philosophy is not always the case.  Not that there’s anything intrinsically wrong with a company creating new technologies to increase the return on investment for investors or to create profits for whatever reason, but can we at least not pretend that at the very least that there’s a fundamental common good that we’re aiming for?
If we’re going to find uses for sticks, then at least let’s try to find more good uses for it than bad ones.