Yes - that time of year - one that I often dread because it seems like each and every year, someone, somehow manages to sucker me in - even just once.
In the news today, there are a myriad of stories about some of the more inventive hoaxes and as I read these articles, I see how even things like April Fool's Day is permeated by technology.
I'm not talking about the lame hoaxes - such as "RickRolling" (by the way, it's interesting that this particular hoax can only be done in the electronic world. For the uninitiated, rickrolling is the phenomenan where person A (or a website for that matter) sends out a link to some page of interest. When the user clicks on the link, instead of the suggested content, the user is directed to Youtube where a video of Rick Astley performing "Never Going to Give You Up" is played. This bait-and-switch is old and it's lame and probably a bit tired.
One of the best technology related hoaxes that I read today was that The Guardian newspaper (British tabloid) announced that they were going to rewrite ALL news archives in the form of tweets. Some of the examples that they would rewrite history are as follows:
- "1832 Reform Act gives voting rights to one in five adult males yay!!!"
- "OMG Hitler invades Poland, allies declare war see for more"
- "JFK assassin8d @ Dallas, def. heard second gunshot from grassy knoll WTF?"
Honestly - I think that this is just totally bloody creative and I love it. If anyone has any tech related hoaxes, please feel free to share :)