Perhaps this is an Excel 'trick' that others know of already but I will share none-the-less!
I spent a little time figuring this one out and wanted to share the solution to this nifty feature of Excel. I have a spreadsheet with multiple worksheets and on the Test Cases worksheet, I wanted the cell contents to be a clickable link/reference to a related cell on the Design worksheet to tie in a specific test case - to the original programming change required.
This is where the HYPERLINK function comes in very handy - it can be used to hyperlink to not only an external file or URL but also to a clickable cell reference, which is exactly what I wanted. The two parameters are the reference to the cell and an optional "Friendly Name" . The trick is to specify the full worksheet & cell address in the first parameter, enclosing with double quotes and preceding with the # symbol. The second parameter, the friendly name - is what will be displayed in source cell, if you don't want technical gobbley-gook displayed. You'll see from the two screenshots below, that I have a formula in cell B3 of the Test Cases worksheet and by specifying the "#Design!B3" as the first parameter, I've created a nifty link so that when the user clicks on it, it brings them to the related cell in the "Design" worksheet.
Test Cases Worksheet with Link to Related Cell in the Design Worksheet |
Design Worksheet Referenced by Clickable Link in the Test Cases Worksheet |