The most obvious of these is the iTunes revolution. I don't know how many albums that I've bought on iTunes, but it's been a ton of them. Many relaxing weekend mornings are spent in the iTunes store either looking for new releases from old favourites, or sometimes just trying something totally off the wall. It's with the latter that I have discovered some new favourites such as Swell Season and Angus and Julia Stone.
I'm also getting very hyped about satellite radio and am at present listening to my 7 day free trial of Sirius - something that will likely be turned into a paid subscription soon enough!
This ability to listen to music on demand, to explore, to listen to one specific genre on satellite radio - this has been a big part of my life and this isn't going to change anytime soon.
My only regret is how this has affected the brick-and-mortar music stores. There was as much of an enjoyment physically flipping through albums in a store as it is pleasurable to walk into a library and walk up and down the aisles.
Still - onwards and upwards I suppose.
Now - you'll have to excuse me - I have to check on iTunes to see if there any new Christmas albums. I'm currently sitting at approximately 125 albums of holiday music and I've only added 1 to my collection this year - any recommendations are always welcome!